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Request Notifications and respond to bids from

Broward County

Register for Free

Broward County has partnered with BidSync to provide web-based bidding services to their vendors, suppliers and contractors. If you have done, or would like to do business with Broward County you must register for a free BidSync Links™ account.

This partnership makes it easier for you to continue to do business with Broward County. Registering with BidSync will not only give you access to search all bids and bid documents, but also notifies you daily or when a bid matches your online profile. In addition, you will be able to respond to business opportunities and track your RFP submissions via the Internet. The registration process is simple and should take less than five minutes.

If you are already registered with BidSync, log in here to update your profile.

Expand your business with BidSync

When you register with BidSync to do business with Broward County you will also have access to more than 1,000 other local and national government agencies that use BidSync to post their bids.

Want to further expand you business and access the nation's largest database of over 90,000 active bid opportunities? Subscribe to BidSync Links PLUS™.


  • Online access to bids and contract opportunities from BidSync’s agency partners
  • Daily email notifications when relevant bids are published
  • Access and notifications to online bid openings and pre-bid conferences
  • Tools to electronically complete and sign bid forms
  • Access to track addenda, orders and invoices from in-network government agencies
  • Award notifications